Thursday, 5 November 2015

Same year, worlds apart!

1935 when you were born,
like a fall from grace, you captured us all.
you loved everyone, everyone loved you,
precious as a child, sensitive and brave, Doodle bugs dropping wave after wave, you got me through when I heard King Creole, I had a clean home not a shit hole.
The Angels were singing 'Love me tender' when you went with God to his big wide home, you could be peaceful in the valley and quite unknown.
judgement day would not come for you that day, for you were welcome in heaven anytime, come what may.

you were generous, caring, without fault, you sang as though you were an angel 
I heard as your biggest fan, I have always felt 'Lost', even more now your not here, now I am a man, I find it hard to stand
yet I will!, If it is gods plan, I will stay here till' my end to meet with you again
an Elvis fan and a loving son, most wonderful woman that lived in my eyes, 'My Mum'.

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

The November Line

Witness the intensity of planets this week
perception of a highway into heaven
Path to the earth, distant from the moon
destination to the stars, elapse too soon
"step up, step up" each person see
a serendipitous shift in ones destiny

Blackness' o'er the land and wide 
ubiquitous, far-reaching, sound
content to shred the fear to hide
bloodened be the stain abound
inception be an eerie place
birthright of the Satan race

grace' take us fast in our sleep
deliver us swiftly from the world
Oh'liberate us from the Devils keep
as lambs we follow into hell
the teacher knows his pupils well.

Monday, 2 November 2015

I write coz

I write to the moonlight, I write to the stars,                   
I write about sorrow, I write about scars,                
I write when I'm happy, I write when I'm sad,
I write about feelings that drive me half mad,
most of all I write to be me, 
to travel to places, set my life free
I write to Christians, aethiests and Jews,
Consistently write the wrong words to you
the featureless face hides a mannequins grin, 
the soulless echo of words deep within,
I write of the teenagers in romantic sin
party animal people pissed up with gin
mostly I write for the gluttonous bin
now look at the fucking state I am in

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Troubled Sleep

I live, work, breathe, go through the motions, unnequivocally unchanging 
on the narrow path tiresomely steep
yet I'm  always asleep when I weep

rattled by the things I see and hear
almost an inclusion, a sight 
a narrow corridor, a peep
most people are confoundly irritated when I am around, perhaps that's why I'm always asleep when I weep

I've heard it before absorbed from generations of ancient stories given to us by centuries past through the ground
I'm far too stupid to be profound
Grandad died with a knowledge 
he has taken it with him to keep
Yet to me it's a repetitive sound
maybe that's why I'm always asleep when I weep, too tired to carry on
I always sleep then I weep

Saturday, 31 October 2015

Pine table

Nostrils saviour the smell of pine
turn, cut, smoothen out
craft of a hand steady
skill is detail
a bowl
collecting dust
thirty years a tree
thirty years for me
rotten sweet fruit
mouldy apple
soft plum
return to wood
senses are mine
the faint smell of pine
polish with antique wax
put it on the big brown table
fruit in a bowl sit down and relax

Thursday, 29 October 2015

Innocent smiles😌

Soggy vegetables, worn out shoes
detestable conditions the air is dry,
cockroaches;crunching sound on polystyrene tiles, 
damp squalid walls
hear the joy of innocent smiles

draconian blue, poppy red,
dust in the lungs of a perpetual youth,
moulded rice cakes,
mucused slime of trailed slugs suggesting a pattern, 
concrete cancer in towers, 
high rise fall from sloth
ignorant minds, innocent smiles

smoothed green fur surrounding metal windowed frames,
condensational graffitied glass
a nose resting all eyes seeing 
view of a spectacular city
gun goes "bang bang", innocent smiles

wheezing, sneezing, depressed,
bronchial pneumonia 
tear stained tshirt,smell of death consumed stale oxygen for the last time
a new born baby, an innocent smile

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Have you ever?

"Aah bless them they are so lovely, look at them sitting quietly in the corner, turn the music up Dave, let's enjoy this rave"

"Aaah, are you alright loveys?, have you got a drink?", "what would you like?", "a lager and a sherry, Aaah alright", "DAVE GET THE OLD COUPLE IN THE CORNER A LAGER AND A SHERRY" AND HURRY UP COZ IM FEELING MERRY"

"that was good what a laugh, now I'm gonna have a bath!, watch that old couple don't fall asleep, I'm sure he's had too many whiskys, oih don't you get frisky!"

"Aaah have you had fun?, perhaps you should go home now, it's getting late! 
there you go, don't forget to shut the front gate, now they've gone we can party great"

"it was a bit young for them oldies, who invited them Dave?, they should be in bed by ten!. you did you daft aper, come and give me a hug then" and listen to the New year by the bells of Big Ben

End of the World is Near!!

Waste is everywhere here and antartic plastic reaches wildlife in deep lost spaces chicks of albatross in depths of the artic fragments of p...