Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Irretrievable burden

pain of misery within inside
Secret so deep that no one can hide
The latch left open, steps in the hall
Climb up sweet baby and out you'll fall

Quietly drown without a peep
Distant noise of  baaing sheep
Curtains closed, light shut out
Now you'll show them 
what it's all about

Sharpen the knife twist and hade
Nice and clean with a razor blade
Radically taken on a ride to hell
Congregate by the Devils bell

Sweet the sound of patient bur
Reaching out for a loving spur
Suffer the wrath of an Angels whip
Grasp the cup and have a sip
Sweetly poisoned sleep the host
Waken up as a haunted ghost

Burdened life for a hundred years
Suffer pain and all the tears
Wounds within will hardly be seen
Hidden throughout the mean machine
Walk the soiled trodden sod
patiently wait for a call from God.

Saturday, 25 October 2014

Shadow of the moon

Howling at the moon
late in the night 
claws reaching out in a sensational fright
face ripping, bone from the skull
gnashing teeth, a fearful fight
torso stretched beyond humanity
a scary sight for all to see 

Tasting flesh for the very first time
enjoying the taste and drinking the wine
sensational hunger never feel full
rip out the innards and eat them all
wicked foul beast crossed with a fool
lean strong and amazingly tall

Woken naked in a field of wheat 
mouth soured by the taste of meat
reminiscing from the feast afore
reality of destruction a nightmare of gore
futuristic mire from a wanton desire 
for the taste of flesh and the need to sire

greedily eaten hungry no more
bones shortened lengthy and sore
head pounding with conscious guilt
bloodened battle crushed them into silt 
rewarding to touch an eternal hope
live forever off a human host

Thursday, 9 October 2014

radical man

The Dalai Lama, when asked what surprised him most about humanity, answered "Man. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health and then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never lived."

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Away # the Song.

When you went away, I wished that you would stay, that you would never go and I won't miss you so, 
why did you have to run and take away my sun, why did you go away, when you went away, when you went away, oh why could you not have stayed but you went away, yes you went away

I drew the curtains closed and shut out all the light, I climbed back into bed, I dreamt a dream of fright I'd not see you again you'd hate me till the end, insanely round the bend, a letter I would send, bring you back home again, make you mine again but you've gone away, yes you went away.

Yes you went away, I could not make you stay, you picked up all your things, the heartache it would bring, a bite as if a sting, no longer will I sing, now you've gone away, yes you've gone away, now you've gone away. You've gone away.

Thursday, 10 July 2014


Young and immature, desperational need,  surrounded by people with a volatile greed
A starving emotion to be held, to be loved, feeding the loss of broken mistrust
Hurt beyond hurt, the threshold of pain, gone far to far to go back again
Alone in the playground, while all around have fun, shadows of life hid the warmth of the sun
Years of solitude, hurt rages til, way beyond tragedy to stand alone still
 No more yearnings love or desire, cuts like a knife burning like fire,
Incarcerated into this helI on the hill, free as a bird, still I wish I could feel.

National problems for blind apathy

Atrocity and hatred fills their desire
Selfish to the core the nationalistic mire
White aristocracy with superior skin
Blond hair traced back through most of they're kin
So short sighted a nation can blame the poor 
For most of the wealth going out of the door
Industry closed, mines shut down, interests so high, houses pulled down
Work shipped abroad until there's no money left
Drugs used freely by governmental pests
Immigration allowed blaming foreigners for the theft
While Tory backbenchers pilfer the rest
Have you ever wondered why everything's a mess
It's to keep a nation confused while the rich grab the nest.
Is this a country to trust those in care 
Make your own minds up or into space stare.

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Paul Merry

It was many years ago on the way back to school
in your joyful inevitable youth, life to good to follow the rules
crashing through the obstacles in young teenage years
excitably jumping, running, smoking after a couple of beers
pleased with the news of Arsenals big win
you had the red and white scarf, you waved it out and in
almost at the building where you were forced to be good
sit on the chairs with your head in a book
however, had you have stopped to take one last look
crossing the road where there was nothing to see
a car appeared with some tremendous speed
It hit you so hard smashing your bones. breaking your teeth and cracking your skull
years of life destroyed, taken time to heal, repairing your bones and internal damage still
swelling of your brain took its toll, you recovered to a point yet never became whole
with such a hard life each and everyday,yet you were joyful in many ways
epileptic fits besieged you weariness aggrieved you, pain beseeched you
everyday began with a screaming aching head and exhausting you
happily you lived, your love for life was a gift, many matches you'd attend
right up until you could not take anymore and your life came to an end
one night that fit took you away, gone now for you could not stay
I'll see you again one day,
In my thoughts you'll stay

Light in the Dark

Emancipation of a devoured heart chance of freedom, a new start it just died, twas’ a pitiful romance yet, a chance to stand, get up and dan...