Monday, 10 June 2013

Webb of Ivy

The root of the ivy grabs hard at the soil, 
Leaves creep up the tree in a tangled embroil, winding like a Webb grabbing as it goes, how high it grips, nobody knows
Hard to pull off the bark, some cancers appear the same destroying fresh tissue removing it is insane, doesn't matter how you take it away there's always such destruction to the outer membrane.
Killing the light, stopping the growth, unimaginable damage to the unwary host 
Leaving the tree like a dead wooded ghost

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

The Third World Country Called England

UKIP you've got it wrong
Are you Rascist or fascist strong
Make it clear what your about
Use clean politics and remove the doubt

A third world country is what we will be 
Come out of the European Market
Then you will see
A simple case of  democracy
Stupid and blind the voter can be

Blame immigration and foreign friends
Spread maliciousness
where does it end?
are you prepared for GM crop 
Scientifically, DNAtely twisted
Disaster waits with the ticking of a clock

think it through very carefully
an open trade with European policy
Friends with many countries; could we
learn from the past and right wing history
fascism comes at a deathly cost
a third world country is where we will be
Working longer hours for a meagre fee.

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Looking beneath the gilded edge

The future of our people left in the hands of our race
Merely dictatory fascist media, spreading news of a white hope
Telling stories of another new pope, asking how are we gonna cope
Blaming the blacks, indians,polish, Jews for all of our bad news
The country in poor equity, unemployed are a drain on society
Disabilities are inabilities, say those with high deity
Saddened by the press allowed to confuse the mess
Governments are the culprits, selling off councils stock of houses
Treating the lower class with contempt, like diseased mouses
Shutting down industry, shipbuilders, mines, aerospace and cars
Where's all the money gone, in a rocket to mars ?
Upperclass trash that's what they are,
A damn fool nation that believe all they read, living on credit in order to feed
Concerned in a country living a fate, not asking questions, never irate
Keep blaming the meek but its the politicians they must seek
Corruption in every chamber, parliaments the danger
Making money the ultimate power, thieving within the law
After all what's all that power for
Tramping us down in another corrupt game
Believe what you believe, now that's the real shame.

Friday, 15 March 2013


'twas the season of gold where all men grow old and trees lose their leaves in a day
woods do sound weary with damp at their feet, creaking and groaning till may
The wild wind doth blow with a hail to and fro while the sun sets away in a glow
Thunder and lightening attacking and frightening the branches fall off in a sway
Hedgehogs bed down into a slumber with a collection of grubs by their side
All kinds of animals tucked in for the winter, away in the forests they hide
Winter comes along to close another year, tis sad for all when it ends
though we melt away all the bad times with a drink in a glass and a friend


Trophies, Medals, Winners enclosure
Gold Cup, Cheltenham, Aintree races of splendour
were the last things that entered my mind while I was making my way through this
delicious beefburger.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

A heart that cares

I'm not Jesus Christ
no I cannot forgive sin
I can't do anything
about the state we are in
Neither can I feed the poor
Or stop the bloodshed from the war
I cannot answer all the prayers
The mess that you find yourself in when no one cares
Least of all, I cannot heal the sick
or stop you drowning very quick
I only have a heart that cares
eyes to see your heartfelt thoughts
Ears to listen and judge you not
a prayer to mention you to god
to do all the things that I cannot.

Fight People

fight for those who suffer
those torn apart by war
Worn down by the urge to survive
Struggling to keep out
the vicious wolves
Who keep knocking at the door

Saddened by the righteous
Right yet always wrong
It's not the strong that need your prayer
the weak cannot carry on
Had enough of living
Ready to give up on life
Nothing appears to go right for them
Not daughters, sons or wives.

The harder people work
the less they can afford
government keep on rising tax
blaming them for being poor
a drain on society
for not being dealt a hand
If not only the sorrow
Had lots of wealth
We all could feed the poor
If everyone reversed the trend
and give them what the bloody hell for!!

The Night of Dance

Remember we used to dance as if it were our last chance it was our last chance so we used to dance On into the night  exhausted with the del...