Friday, 8 March 2013
Spit Rain Spit
Misery is here again
I prayed a prayer for it to go away
To come back another day
But it just won't quit
Fed up of being wet
I'm really mad at it
spit, rain, spit
A warm day of sunshine would be nice
a warm day of sunshine would be nice
Such a lovely thought
I had to say it twice
But it keeps on raining
It just won't quit
Just like my life
Spit, rain, spit
A year and a day
The rain has come each day
it's never gonna stop
I never feel on top
Plants have stopped growing
No sunshine
It,s not worth sowing
Lets be honest
We're in the #¥€$
Don't know what to do to get out of it
The only thing we see is
Spit, rain and spit
Tuesday, 26 February 2013
that brought you howling with delight
The ghostly shadow of the moon
It lift you out the ground too soon
The webs of spiders that trapped the flies,
the grave diggers and the spies
I knew that things were wrong tonight
the night I saw a bat in flight
Compare the sheep with the wolf
The difference between us & the mighty dwarf
The ukulele and his kin
Piglet throat cut for his skin
A man trapped inside his mind
Servants quarters a treasured kind
The night I witnessed lovers blind
Take away my feverish danger
Freeze my heart within its chamber
Remove my spleen I've never seen
Write on my grave 'always too keen'
Yet leave behind me some of your will
Put it on the windowsill
Place it under the oak tree there
To grow and wither another year.
In the future when long once said
The Lord will raise us from the dead
Heavens descend upon our earth
From north to south around the girth
Evil sent away so far
Banished to a lake that melts as tar
Peace will reign on this land so green
Families together forever seen
Sunday, 24 February 2013
The little Boy
Somewhere in Somerset where wild yellow and white flowers blossom in the tall grass, that is growing shoulder height to an eight year old boy with short brown hair running through the meadow by the side of his lifetime friend, a golden retriever with the most splendid shiny fur, both of them running at a pace as if in a long and arduous race.
Stone lay everywhere in that meadow, good purpose stone for building walls surrounding the lovely picturesque farms of nearby hills, on they ran with the wind whispering around the boys ears, the long grass dampening all sounds of sheep baaing in the next meadow and the boys proud and beautiful mother calling him for tea, today was shepherds pie with a gorgeous onion gravy and creamy mashed potato with peas, ready and waiting on the strong pine country table within an artistic built Cotswold stone cottage.
The cottage Strongly raised with the rocks that lay scattered about the wonderfully pictured meadow, the rocks this well behaved loving boy had not noticed underfoot when he tripped and fell, rocks the handsome boy had hit his head on, rocks that caused him to lay still, blood pouring from the deep cut on his forehead, the golden retriever continued on running at first, unaware the boy had fallen, then in an instant as if feeling the presence of the boy no more, he span around, running to where the boy lay, he began licking the boy on his sweet sleeping, yet silent face.
The boy did not move, the dog began for home, he ran and ran until he reached where the boys mother waited, the golden retriever barked and yelped continuously until the boys mother had realised something was wrong, the mother ran after the loving dog, anxiously concerned for her son, when she arrived at where he lay, the desperately forlorn mother waited with her little boy, she called the emergency services, they were on the way. On arrival in no time at all, airlifting the boy to a place where all help could be given if possible. If possible are the only words I now have.
From that moment, everyday the meadow lay quiet with a slight breeze blowing across the long grass with beautiful yellow and white flowers, they were holding a secret unknown to anyone except the brave golden retriever that frequented the meadow running around feeling the joy of living, everyday he play where the little boy lay, the meadow whispering 'please come another day'.
Tuesday, 12 February 2013
Eyes Fade
Changing life, looking back again
My glasses get stronger, my eyes get weaker
Foggier with each passing day
A little less courageous, a little more afraid
An unperfected book in a timeless way
Turning each day as if turning a page
My eyes fade with my life's age
Driving home in the hail and snow
It's misty too, then I groan!
'I can't see a thing, my wipers broke' ?
No it's just the eyes of a middle age bloke
Spectacles on now, it's not so bad
I can see clearly, yet now I'm sad
My eyes, like my life with a strong teenage phase
Is passing by and I'm at that age
My eyes are fading with my life's faze
When I'm really old and have lost my teeth
I'll look rather peculiar but feel like a thief
Living life on borrowed time
Probably won't have a pound, nickel or dime
You'll come home to find me in the dark
Take my hand to lead me through the park
No need for glasses when I'm blind
The television off, radio loud and unkind
I'll want it's pass, when I'm at them days
My eyes will be weak and my life will fade
Friday, 25 January 2013
Responsibility of earning puts our relationship in last
to show emotion openly is frowned upon by friends
With my mobile phone to you, a message I will send
my love for you is special, not for the world to see
A little kiss as you pass by, is more than enough for me
When we are together at the end of the day
We show our feelings openly, complete and un afraid
I will always love you deeply, whatever, come what may
That's why I stand alongside you "I Do" are the words I say.
Thursday, 10 January 2013
We would struggle up, right to the top
Higher and higher, scraping our knees
Until We reached the uppermost part
resting a branch under our thigh
Seeing across the land so high,
the broccoli woods reaching for the sky
The houses in the streets looked so small
How grand we felt, so proud, so tall
a happy feeling, joyously tranquil
Like Spurs beating Arsenal Five to nil
We'd cherish those days to return once more
the best in life from the top drawer
Warmer summers, sparkly springs
wonderful presents that Santa would bring
Mum and Dad with a precious kiss
Among the greatest memories
once cherished that I now miss
Just Living
Existing on this land of more and plenty
Refusing to fall or follow ways
of those with ill and gentry
Days pass without notice, people do too
Traffic flowing going who knows where
Concentrating on a meaningless cause
Staring from many windows at not much at all
A Sparrow of hope flies out of a tree
Little wings with a high pitched shrill
Raising my heart for a tiny glimmer
Then splats on the hair of a woeful sinner.
Sinking so low back to the beginning
It's not my life, I'm just living
End of the World is Near!!
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