For me it's been a blast
Carousel at Battersea fair
Ghost train, skeletons
gave me such a scare
My dads scarf around my neck
Dog eared hat covering my hair
He spat on a hanky to wipe my face
It felt so awful, what a disgrace
Marching along the Thames
Where the big ships moored
Sailors in suits, standing on deck
I wore a sailor hat
Probably looked a fool
But what the heck
I wanted to be one of them one day
Until I grew up,
I was told sailors were gay
that did enough of a job
To wrongly scare me away
I Learnt about London
It's history in a shell
The Tower of London
The terrible smell
Beefeaters standing guard
of the White Tower
The Crown Jewels safe
With their mighty power
We watched a lot of movies
Still do today
Cinema, I love to have fun that way
Magnificent Seven, West Side Story
The King and I, A crowning glory
Then to the cafe or Wimpy bar
A Bender brunch
And Milkshake in a jar
My dad took me to fascinating places
The British museum,
History and Science too
on good days We went to London Zoo
He would always tell me
how much he spent
"Five pounds and six bob
That's what you cost me today"
Then jump up and down
in his usual way!
My dad was scary
with his fiery temper
I sometimes wished he would fall
In dogs poo and catch distemper
Shout at me for wanting a wee
He never wanted to be that silly
I suppose it could not be helped
It's just the way he grew
he never really knew
how scared I could be
his shouting causing me such misery
He had a good heart deep inside
His generation never let it show
Keeping it safe, as if to hide
Now dad has gone, I miss him so
He left my life with an unfillable hole
It's a shame the way he had to go
Ended by a fool
not looking riding a bike
I hoped that fool
would ride into a spike
Still dad has gone
I have my memories
Of good times we had
That were not all that bad.
I loved him my father
my wonderful dad.