The future of our people left in the hands of our race
Merely dictatory fascist media, spreading news of a white hope
Telling stories of another new pope, asking how are we gonna cope
Blaming the blacks, indians,polish, Jews for all of our bad news
The country in poor equity, unemployed are a drain on society
Disabilities are inabilities, say those with high deity
Saddened by the press allowed to confuse the mess
Governments are the culprits, selling off councils stock of houses
Treating the lower class with contempt, like diseased mouses
Shutting down industry, shipbuilders, mines, aerospace and cars
Where's all the money gone, in a rocket to mars ?
Upperclass trash that's what they are,
A damn fool nation that believe all they read, living on credit in order to feed
Concerned in a country living a fate, not asking questions, never irate
Keep blaming the meek but its the politicians they must seek
Corruption in every chamber, parliaments the danger
Making money the ultimate power, thieving within the law
After all what's all that power for
Tramping us down in another corrupt game
Believe what you believe, now that's the real shame.