Saturday, 26 September 2015

Love Lost

How fragile life is
irreversible enough to live it free
freedom is a condition 
not everyone can see
whether in your heart 
your minds eye be

I missed the moment, 
for you are no longer here
you filled my life 
with warmth and cheer
forevermore on and on

Brobdingnagian world  
with pockets of space 
darkened by the missing
presence in your grace
I remember every detail
of a beautiful face

burdened not to show love
gift given from the Lord above,
unpleasantly some find it a task
hidden rather within a mask
not appear to be seen weak
they do not know it is a gift
given to the celestial meek.

Pretence knows not why
they fear to begin
hence unhappy features
are saddened within
accepting love be ya tortured sin

Devil Child

A shadow of a fox, sly though he
contaminated by his smug triviality
devious to the chore and willful
to the soul he be

Merciless killing, slaughter of the lamb
abundantly clear yet hidden beneath
decieving through his unimbiguousness
hell to you or thee

The mind of Oxford where the rich boy doth play,
true to nature inconceivable sway
inequality for the helpless
a soothsayer way

Oh foolish nation opened the mind
to the cruelest mean of potent unkind
hell be damned a place to be
Sordid, wicked, irrationality
kindness, a revolutionary way 
the struggle onwards will see

Monday, 21 September 2015

I’m not the same, or am I ?

Life's like a dungeon as far as I recall from a very young age to the moment we are tall, trapped by the rules and wants and despised as a fool.

The medicine was a spanking in the very first week, only five years old some warmth I would seek,  it taught me not to cry for mum, to be silent and meek.

Alone in my childhood life I craved to be liked, do anything for friends even steal a bike, rub mud on the walls for someone called Mike but never really had friends 
Never knew what it was like.

Secondary years came along I would often feel sick every day was hell to get a lot of stick bullied for being quiet and often afraid, the cane and the children felt the bloody same. 

I remembered junior school with a fondness now, I learnt quite well though I did not know how.

secondary school interestingly fun for a lark, two years of hell from a boy called mark, at 13 years old after a fight it lit a fuse so to create a spark I would often bunk off and go to the park.

If your the kind of person that doesn't fit in, believe in me when I say it's not a sin
a burden you'll feel forever and a day
At least you'll have independent thoughts and be happy that way.

I'll not follow a crowd, not be one of the pack, I'll take a lot of hardship but eventually fight back, I'm caught in the web of deception, not afraid of hard work but then there's not a day goes by where responsibility will I shirk.

One hope that I wish to leave behind, is that I love my children, was considerate and kind, if you cannot be good then at least not be blind. 

Thursday, 17 September 2015

The Tennessee Waltz

The guitar in her cupboard, a song in her head tells of a time and now it is dead
Shut away sadly fifteen years gone, all with the music of a Nashville song.
Someday She'll return to her Grand Ole Opry home, sing some old Country, a musical throng, for the near future she's all out of salts,
maybe soon Tomi Fujiyama will sing the Tennessee waltz 

Friday, 11 September 2015

Ai Wei Wei

Ai Wei Wei is a creative man
Artistically skilled without the blue
Sensitive, creative, imaginative, true
A mind observing the writing on the wall
A futuristic sight he is warning all
Inanimate objects shown without life
Electric empty, colourful spice
Trees of wood, perhaps a glint
the future of the world maybe a hint
He came here to show the Trees
he saw the passion,noticed the greed.
To show contempt would be out of place, 
he left old England with a smile on his face

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

JOHN 3:16

Do you need to be advised where you should go?
to free your live and be eternally whole
I've shown you already you must be blind
Observe it below and you might find.

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

The Sculptor

She was taken in by his deceivable charm
richly dressed ingratiating smarm
contaminated with a sourceful skill
honeyed voice, physique to kill
If the premonition were perceived at word
the corruptible girl should have heard 

Her body found in the woods of old
statuesquely silent, ungraciously cold
no noticeable bruises, no reason or rhyme
perfectly still as a moment in time 
white as a dove, artistically lay
Surrounded by flowers found wild in May 

Ostentatiously thwart, a clinical mind
bloodless statues of feminine devine
seven pretty women beguiled by a killer        perfected form from an artistic thriller
representational of a Renaissance art
ageless beauty that could never depart.

Deaths dealt quickly by a calculating hand
legacy of a father, a controlling man,
mother crudely hurt from a tortured beat 
 a man trodden woman that gave back heat.        
he was only a boy with too much to take
He wept every night the pain in his wake
an art gallery near, his only true friends,
were statues in the museums of Londons West End

Monday, 7 September 2015

A Friend ##

If you are all alone and feeling low,
no one cares or nobody knows,
Just call on me and I'll help if I can,
I've always been a sincere kind of man
you're hurt real bad don't know what to do 
  in a bad way and some kind of stew 
She broke your heart and left it in two
So call on me friend, I'll listen to you

feelings of love eat away at your heart 
no way for a man to make a new start
  you cannot end it all with a fight
So call on me we'll help it go right

Suicide thoughts may rush through your mind
There's no way out and no forward sight
look to the possible things you could be
just give it some time well then wait and you'll see

If your tempted to see her then give her a call
meet her just once and play it real cool
If she responds with an answer of 'don't give a heck!'
then leave the cafe and pay the damn cheque

There's plenty of goodness deep on your side
Just let it shine and don't let it hide
Try not to wear your heart on your sleeve
Look for strength that you need in me
I'll promise I'll be there to help you see
A friend is a friend for eternity.


Thursday, 3 September 2015

Machines that go to war

A world market collapses 
Offices and factories shut their doors
Thousands lose jobs through redundancy clause
Although there's still enough money left for the machines that go to war.

World hunger escalates while adults play games taking gambles on the stock exchange 
Families struggle to survive
it leaves the population sore
But There's still enough money left for the machines that go to war.

Countries suffer,through after war neglect
civil unrest, killing in the streets
each faction greedier than the one before
How would you like this on your back door?
There is still enough money left for the machines that go to war

Greed of world power wanting sustainable oil
murdered Leaders for the excuse of atrocity
countries perished by the score
Grandparents, Fathers, Mothers and babies escaping homes destroyed for more
refused entry to stay alive the poor die poor
Still, there is enough money left for the machines that go to war.

England in an economical downturn , borrowing through the roof
Blame the jobless and the poor  
Cut the the funding for the NHS and benefits of the disabled In the name of austerity to stop the financial draw.
Spend billions of the countries wealth renewing the Trident missile and what for ?,
Is there a need to spend more money on the machines that go to war.

Wednesday, 19 August 2015


Is happiness an illusion brought on by drugs and alcohol?
Is freedom an illusion only known by the richest people in this world?
Are we all controlled by laws,police and taxes?
We need money to live, we need money for food, we need money for a house
In short. We need money. 
We are controlled by the amount of time we have. Forty to sixty hours in a working week wherever that may be; makes sure of that and the residue of our hard work is money.
Yes money, we can buy all the things we want and have all the freedom we need with money, first we have to pay tax, pay the Mortgage, electric, gas, water, phone and for the menial piece of leisure we have, Satellite television. 
For sure the government know how to control 90% of the nation with just these few things, most people are too exhausted to notice or care what the supposed people in charge are up to.
Corruption holds no bounds when you have the power but of course it goes unnoticed by the population.
It's easy to sit in your armchairs and watch the news. Blame the poor for spending your hard earned taxes, blame immigrants for wanting to stay alive and have the same freedom and money that most people have not really got. 
Millions of us believe in our own so called power and wealth, in truth most people's worlds can crumble overnight leaving them in extreme and catastrophic debt. they (the government )seem so smug cutting the benefits of disabled people all in the name of austerity, yet they spend billions of pounds setting the system up to save the money they are spending. 
So to bring us back are we really happy?
 Real happiness is being with the people we love, lovers, wives, husbands, children and grandchildren.
So we could be.
Are we free?
We are free in our minds, we are free in our thoughts, we are free to make change if we have the courage and strength to do so in our own private worlds. I have met many people in my  unimportant life from all genders, races and so called classes, only the very richest (which is less than 1%)  have happiness and freedom the rest of us live under an illusion built up by how wealthy they have become by how much debt they can afford.
Rich people commit suicide and destroy their lives too, why is that? 
The proof that money cannot bring happiness but the illusion of it can is the justification by which the right wing gains power.  
The people I've met, (I can include myself in this at one or two times in my life) that seem truly happy are those people that have nothing and have accepted it, they only have the clothes they are standing in and accept people for whoever or whatever they are. They have nothing but a loving family and no one person could take that away of course those with a nice car, nice house and designer clothes would judge those people as peasants completely forgetting that it is only by the grace of God that they have a decent job and enough debt to wear designer clothes in the first place. There are those people that are clever, they went to university, became professionals and live a very simple life's  saving for whatever they would like to have, however you will find that even those people have a mortgage up to the hilt and a car loan sometimes.
We have happiness and freedom in our faith whatever that faith may be a spiritual being that forgives us for our sins, most normal sins are of course forgiven by a loving God like Jesus or whatever God that you may believe in. Although most normal sins are brought about by frustration from being in debt or trying to stay sane by not falling apart as a person or going to pieces. God forgives. 
If there is anything I'm trying to say here it is- whatever goes around comes around so be good, kind and care for people if you ever want to get close to being free and happy. Only one man that ever lived knew the meaning of real happiness and freedom and his name was Jesus Christ.
He was condemned and executed for bringing the good news and outing the truth.
If there is a good politician it is one that has not let wealth corrupt him. 
Has not agreed to passing laws that knowingly let others suffer.
Has not been selfish when in a position of power to pass such things as austerity.
I believe that as a nation we have to invest to boost the economy not cut, even the poorest people spend money, business turns a full cycle when there is spending, creates jobs and give wages that creates more money.

Saturday, 15 August 2015

Eye of the needle

People that suffer through no fault of their own, disabled through illness or some tragedy struck.
People not wealthy, refuse to be slaves to rich men or snobs, gentlemen or knaves
People that suffered in the countries we destroyed, their wish is to not die so they climb under a plane and pray to survive.
People judged by the propagandist news
Evil hearts through a nation that once fought fascist blues. 
I cannot bear the way people are cold, heartless and selfish for one ounce of gold
Greediness is ugliness cannot have what's mine, that's why you sit back to watch children die.
If you have a heart feel my plea
Judgment is sooner than you know
Just wait and see.
Change needs to come ballot your say
Do your thinking the righteous way
Keep on going, keep it in sight,
 always remember to Fight the good fight.

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

The Worm

I bit an apple and it bit me back
there was a little worm inside
his name was Jack
"Oih! Watch it" he proclaimed
"You almost bit me in half"
"I don't think it's funny"
"there's no need to laugh"
I did not hear it's mouth from the middle
It seemed to be stuck, in a bit of a pickle
I looked at the apple and saw the worm wriggle
it appeared rather funny so I began to giggle
I opened the bin and I threw it in
I swear I could hear the little thing sing.

Sunday, 2 August 2015


He was the bringer of her light
the only thing in her live that was right, 
when she had given up on her daily fight
a time when she survived each drunken night going home forever alone 
Mary sat still by her silent phone.

She was overjoyed, completely in love
God had given her a good man to love
Planning a wedding did not take long
Married at Fifty Seven to a cherished song
The wedded bliss a joyous throng
happiness like this did not belong

Mary had not known a life such as this
they started the day with a gentle kiss
John took the Jag for its yearly check
It passed without fault and was on its last trek, the brakes failed at fifty the car was a wreck, Johns car was crushed and now he is dead.

They telephoned Mary who was expecting Johns call instead there was a policeman who introduced himself as Paul 
He broke the news that Mary  would not hear 
What she heard cut her deep as she crumbled round into an  emotional sphere
gone was her moment, her love, her world, gone were the dreams of a little girl. 
Mary died the day he was killed.

Thursday, 16 July 2015

A walk in the Woods

It was a fleeting moment when I first saw you, confident in life though I thought I knew
Memories made with a fleeting wind 
time retracts the years do rescind 
fortune bursts open a freedom begins

A walk in the woods taught me how
to relax, to be calm when I am at a crossroad with a choice somewhat shallow, enjoy the peace and quiet of the rain drenched meadow 
darkened ghosts trail the way of my will, holding me back to pass my shadow still  
talons tear at my shoulder with the light of the moonlit shrill

An eruption has begun run and hide from the ashes or stay behind to suffer the lashes, burnt from an ambush of moltened rock fire, lay down a life for a wanton desire
forgive my confusion, where from I came? 
It is not  important to the wicked seed It's always the bloody same
for the Devils need to feed on a tattered remain, the Devils need to feed is what keeps them all sane.

Saturday, 2 May 2015

The Barn

Playing in the barn having fun with straw
Open the old chest look in the drawer
What an amazing treasure for a seven year old to find, to leave it unlocked was ever so kind.

Found some wool lift it out, look underneath an excitable fright
Incredible, fantastic, shining like new a handle a trigger, some bullets too, open the barrel and take a look in, better than reading or having to sing.

Play cops and robbers put on a mask
Dress as a cowboy run away fast
Better hide it, his secret to find
If mum found out she wouldn't be kind
In the chest for next day's joy bring some friends and next doors little boy.

Sunday morning the sun shining warm
Out to play early with Jimmy and Shaun
Into the barn show them the treasure
Shaun wants a go to take up the measure, "it's rather heavy" Shaun says with an aim, the first little boy did not speak again

Thursday, 2 April 2015

A chancing exchange

Never had I witnessed such pure beauty looking across the room at you I saw.
A spiritual awareness of love my heart it doth flutter lightly, a choir of people in a large hall disintegrate into insignificance, 
the wall shrank to become a narrow corridor of you and I breaching the exceptional audible volume of loud chattering and music, we became lovers in an instant, I could feel you breathe touching you as if by magic, 
blissfully unaware of any sound or movement left in our spaced time capsule, feeling faint as you return a smile with eyes of green, a passionate affair directly to me, then suddenly at an abrupt end as a friend asks in a loud tone over the music
"Oih there's plenty of birds here, 
dyou want a pint or what?"


Hello my friend where have you gone?
Put scripture down without a song
Can't tell you where I'll come along
You sing the words to fear alone
Am lifting you up upon the throne

So hey why did you turn your back
A voice in mind a heart attack
You left me here with vicious claws
A wooden cart along a dirt track

The hill steeped in blood like river flows
Towards the Nile with bandaged toes
I climb on high where else I'll go
Your fortune smiles a stone you throw

Death destruction marks your way
Darkness follow on this day
Forgiveness may your will he be
Dispatch the green from Tuscany 

Two thousand years may be he reign
No soul be sent or will he save
 a blinding flash will come again
Spirits home release the slave
Fortune fears the weak or brave

Saturday, 28 March 2015

Evil through relativity

Poison through the veins of the weak
Retaliation in the souls of the meek
Laugh as you hurt friends for strength
Cut the throat of those that you seek
To me you always seemed a freak

Never forget to stop and look
See the destruction left in your desire
People dead and your house on fire
Plant that image in your brain
Life will never be the same again

Protective custody until the trial
What you've done is seen as vile
People shouting in the streets
Kill him quick and make it neat
A guilty call heard far and wide
Even from your long lost bride

Your death decided on death row
Pay for what you reap and sow
Not long now to the fateful day
Strap you to the chair and take you away
Once forgotten twice the sin
pay for the history of your kin

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Modern poetry in Pilgrims Progress

Whatever path you choose to take 
May it be a righteous wake
For danger lurks each and everyday
be sure to use the careful way

tread the road short and smooth
Downhill the way to the lost souls groove
Into the pit once flames are gray
Death awaits oh come now pray.
listen to the fallen angels say.
"Follow now, along this way"

Loose gowned women call share my bed
chastise men, desecrate their head. 
the old man wants to play cards 
A fiver a game to gamble away
some drugs will take you into the nest 
of a demons den with the Devils crest

Seventy five years of a tainted life
Relationship problems for a cash strapped wife, don't give up yet
be it your choosing
suicide is an eternal losing.

Pain in a body, scrambled mind
eyes so poor, irrepareably blind
How can there be a god 
when you suffer so? 
what people say 
when they just don't know

the beauty of it all is far and long
Keep going my friend 
Over the hills Far away
Suffer to the end and always be strong.
eternity waits with a beautiful song.

Saturday, 14 February 2015

Death of a Butterfly

It was a fear that held you so near
so petrified to not be with you 
an aching heart that needed your love so
You were a butterfly trapped whole. between the pages of a pressed book
dying quickly with no glancing look

Soft to the touch a delicate silkiness of your skin, beautiful by chance a pride of your kin, our eyes met a hypnotic trance caught in a whirlwind trapped in a dance.
breathing at last a heart beating fast. energy drained, shattered like glass.

Precious memories to last forever 
of moments passing in the wind
recurring thoughts fleeting through history 
at once became a bitter end
long lost love with no message to say
despise the fool who's  not even a friend.

Proud of Colour

The day I got a crow bar in my face Is the day I felt a real disgrace looking straight at fifteen Skinheads standing in my drape coat red Al...