Saturday, 15 March 2025


Feeling different from the rest of the world
as lots of unwanted boy, man or girls
failing in successes, bullied coz of me
looking at life, ugliness I see
focalise defending righteous foe
the innocent, people destroyed that I don’t know
it all comes down to a point of view
emotions plenty irrationally missed queues 
they will never know what it is like to be me
as I will never know what it is like to be you
a messed up bunch of wanna be’s
killing for the right to be in a position they are not
their own lives are as gruel covered in snot
I have no fight to be someone like that
caring too much to be a doormat
as weak as aged twine 
rotten corked wine
Putrid not divine

“Be strong and courageous, 
Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, 
For the Lord your God will be with you
Wherever you go”

Joshua 1.9

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Feeling different from the rest of the world as lots of unwanted boy, man or girls failing in successes, bullied coz of me looking at life, ...